This data was measured as a calibration sample with the Serial Crystallography X-ray Diffraction Imaging method at the SPB/SFX beamline, EuXFEL in one shift (p002442) and five runs (r0041 r0042 r0043 r0044 r0045). The samples are granulin nanocrystals from granulovirus (size around 300nm). The direct beam position on the Maxipix detector can be obtained for each of the beamtimes from the detector mesh. The geometry description can be found in the file agipd_2442_v2_gv_mg_41-45.geom . beam energy = 9.335 keV sample to detector distance = 0.126812 m The patterns were integrated with crystfel: indexamajig -i images.lst -o overpredict --overpredict --serial-start=1 -j 80 -g agipd_2442_v2_gv_mg_41-45.geom --int-radius=2,4,6 --peaks=cxi --indexing=xgandalf-nocell --no-cell-combinations --multi -p gv.pdb --copy-hdf5=/instrument/pulseID --copy-hdf5=/instrument/trainID --copy-hdf5=/instrument/cellID and the indexing ambiguity was resoved with: ambigator -o -y m-3 -w m-3m -j 70