Deposition Summary
Depositor: Jerome Carnis
Contact: [email protected]
Deposition date: 2021-03-03
Last modified: 2021-03-03
DOI: 10.11577/1785244
Publication Details
Title: Structural Study of a Self-Assembled Gold Mesocrystal Grain by Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging
Authors: Jerome Carnis et al.
Journal: Nanoscale
Year: 2021
DOI: 10.1039/D1NR01806J
Experimental Conditions
Method: Small-angle Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging
Sample: Gold mesocrystal
Wavelength: 1.4251 Å (8.7 keV)
Lightsource: PETRA III
Beamline: P10
Data Files
Raw Data: e4m.tar.gz (3.88 GB)
Auxiliary Files
SEM Image: sample2-5_12.tif (866.75 KB)
SEM Image: sample2-5_17.tif (866.76 KB)
Scan Metadata: gold_2_2_2_00022.fio (30.67 KB)
README: Readme ID 183.txt (1.28 KB)


Please check the README file for more information about the dataset.

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