Deposition Summary
Depositor: Ki Hyun Nam
Contact: [email protected]
Deposition date: 2022-03-18
Last modified: 2024-07-04
DOI: 10.11577/2391007
Publication Details
Title: Combination of an inject-and-transfer system for serial femtosecond crystallography
Authors: Ki Hyun Nam
Journal: Journal of Applied Crystallography
Year: 2022
DOI: 10.1107/S1600576722005556
Experimental Conditions
Method: Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
Sample: Lysozyme
Wavelength: 1.305 Å (9.501 keV)
Lightsource: PAL-XFEL
Beamline: NCI
Data Files
Raw Data: Runs/
Auxiliary Files
Detector Geometry: CrystFEL_geom.geom (1.12 KB)

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